If a company wants to have the maximum benefit from the marketing and sales efforts, it must segment its customers. Most businesses are not aware of the benefits of marketing segmentation. But if they do so, they will be able to convert prospects into customers and then into loyal customers. What is Behavioral Segmentation? Behavioral segmentation is a strategy that …
Marketing strategy helps you to understand your target customers, the company’s goals, and advertising methods and techniques to reach more audiences. So that you could plan everything on time, and avoid unexpected circumstances in the future. Today, we’ll discuss different types of marketing strategies, and how you can choose an effective marketing strategy. Here it follows; What is Marketing Strategy? …
Market Positioning Statement Definition Market positioning statement is a description of the target market and is a situation which determines how the company wants the market to perceive its offerings. Positioning statement is an internal tool for marketers. Every marketing and product related decision needs to be in alignment with the positioning statement. A good positioning statement maintains focus on …
5 C’s of marketing is a useful framework to perform situation analysis. The 5 C’s of marketing analysis allows doing environmental scanning of five important component that improves marketing decision making process. These components include the internal and external environmental situation of a company.
Niche marketing can be defined as channelling marketing efforts and strategies towards a pre-defined market segment of a population. Through using niche marketing strategy, the business can specialize and will be able to attract more profitable customers.
What is Mass Marketing? Basically, mass marketing is a strategy which is directed towards attracting a huge portion of the audience. It aims to address the highest number of potential customers while ignoring niche demographic differences. The strategy involved in this type of marketing strategy focuses on a higher volume of sales at lower prices so as to obtain maximum …
The 3 C’s of marking is a very popular concept for marketers. This concept takes into consideration 3 variables to explain a complete marketing strategy. The 3 C s, customers competitors and company, is a strategic triangle when integrated, a sustainable competitive advantage can be achieved.